2024 events
English Language, Accent and Dialect
Festival week commenced with an extremely interesting talk by John Titford punctuated with John's own specific brand of humour, which entertained all.

Poetry Open Mic Night
On Monday evening The Havelock hosted our popular Open Mic Poetry night, where we were treated to a wide range of original poetry from a range of very talented poets.

Variety Show
Tuesday afternoon saw our very first Variety Show at Christ Church Cotmanhay, with a variety of different singers and musical performers, along with our very own dancing fairy, a treat for all.

Your Story Matters
Also, Tuesday evening Lee Greatorex gave an absorbing online presentation, looking at telling stories through different media. Attendees were engaged in fun activities and learnt about film, photography and comic writing.

Writing for Wellbeing
Wednesday afternoon Trish Kerrison (published poet) gave a talk and discussion at the Library, she treated us to explanations and readings of her poems, enjoyed by all and people who attended.

Puppet Making Workshop
Thursday morning saw us at Christ Church Cotmanhay where Karen Turnbull ran a workshop for young children to make a fish puppet.

Toccatas and Treats
Thursday afternoon saw us at the Green Spire Church to listen to Andrea Cochraine's magnificent organ, keyboard and piano performances. Followed by delicious home-made cakes.

Writing for Healthier Headspace
Friday morning saw us back at the Erewash Museum where Kirsty and Fiona gave an interesting talk with activities complete with soap carving.

Weleda Talk
A representative from Weleda then gave a very enlightening talk on the value of Arnica, where they source it from and its benefit to us all.

CPR-How to save a life
On our final day, people learnt how to save a life as Marie gave her talk at the Library and showed everyone what to do in emergencies. Such a useful skill to have.

Saturday afternoon at Ilkon, we were treated to a toe-tapping performance by ukulele band from Wirksworth. They had us singing and dancing in the aisles. Everyone enjoyed it.

Poetry on the Picture
Hosted by Ilkon, the poetry was based around the artist in resident, Ruby Waage Townsend's current painting, a vicar, a witch, a maid and a cat. The witch was Ann Wagg, 'The Ilkeston Witch'. This was explored by all present.

Local Poet Paul Dexter
Tuesday morning started with a talk by accomplished, published poet, Paul Dexter, who read a range of his poetry to all, which was very well received.

Lace Making
On Tuesday evening we once again viewed the delightful work of the lace bobbin workers at The Green Spire URC Church, showing off their intricate traditionally made lace designs, with cups of tea for all.

Lace Making
Wednesday saw our annual D.H.Lawrence talk, given by Michael Rumble about the authors Derbyshire connection. He showed us some photographs and accompanied them with readings and enlightening facts.

Quiz Night
Wednesday evening saw us at another new venue, The Dewdrop Inn, where we held our popular Festival Week Quiz. A good time was had by all.

Circle Dance
Also at Christ Church Cotmanhay we held a Circle Dance for peace and harmony, run by experienced dance teacher, Rachel Caunce. Enjoyed by those that attended and a welcome addition to our week's events.

GEM Connection
Thursday evening, GEM Connection let us share in with a typical rehearsal for them at the Green Spire Church where the acoustics are magnificent. Two of the audience loved joining in with their rendition of the Lord's Prayer.

Talk on Eurythmy
Our annual visit to Weleda started with Denise's Eurythmy talk which was fascinating as always and thoroughly enjoyed by those who attended.

Michael House Singers
In the afternoon, this was followed by Michael House Singer's Festival concert. It was angelic! Wonderful as always.

Town Hall Tour
A new addition to our Festival was the tour of the Town Hall given by a very knowledgeable Frank Philips, ex-mayor. The history was fascinating and the tour illuminating.

One Voice Concert
Our finale on Saturday evening was fabulous. The melodic voices of Sandiacre Male Voice Choir, folk songs by Stef Downham, 'Early Doors' barber shop group and Alice Price playing ukulele and singing. Then came presentation of certificates and prizes for Poetry and Creative Writing competitions by Harry Atkinson, Deputy Mayor, followed by Michael House Singers. And finally the award winning Grand Central Chorus gave us an impressive performance which rang throughout the Church.